Tai Chi Class

Class Outline

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T'ai Chi

Looking for a interest that will stimulate you mentally and physically? Prepared to practice to develop your skills and awareness? Willing to accept that in-depth understanding takes time to develop?

T'ai Chi:

T'ai Chi is an ancient Chinese art said to promote balance and harmony in daily life.  Central to the practice is the ' form ', recognisable for its slow, graceful movements.

Tai chi is invigorating and energising, stimulating and interesting.  It can lead to numerous positive benefits. T'ai Chi’s movement is based on the understanding of how water moves; appearing soft and flowing and yet containing an inner strength and resilience.


What To Expect:

The classes are taught in a friendly non-competitive atmosphere. Loose comfortable clothing is worn, bare feet or trainers are preferable. We usually start with a gentle warm up followed by some loosening, before moving on to practice the Form and its supplementary exercises.



All Classes now on Zoom due to Covid

Beginners Tuesdays and Thursdays 6 - 7pm

Advanced Tuesdays and Thursdays 7.30 - 9pm

Beginners/advanced Wednesdays  10 - 11am

Payment £5  one class weekly £8 two or more weekly payable in 4 week blocks.

Contact      4jeanhaines@gmail.com




Over the weeks you will be gradually introduced to the basic choreography of Cheng Man Ch’ing’s “Short Form” and  Master Huang’s five loosening exercises which embody the major principles required to practise the form correctly. Each week we will consolidate and build on the work from the previous class.

There are also many supplementary exercises exploring movement, balance, relaxation,meditation, sensitivity and awareness, which can be challenging and fun.

Classes are suitable for adults of any age, level of ability or fitness.

Thursdays - Advanced
Bolton Low Houses Village Hall
7-9.30 pm £8



Through Master Huang's 5 Loosening Exercises,  Yang Style Long Form , Sang Fen Quick Fist , Fixed pattern Pushing Hands, Partner Work and meditation, students continue to explore this profound art in all of its intricacy and depth.